Cloudflare Worker Proxy for Google Sites

Love Google Sites but struggling with SEO? Here's how we're tackling this with Cloudflare Workers:

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Learn more about our service for spontaneous human feedback

Read more from Surfey

Heck no! Surfey gives your customers a way to comfortably send you feedback "face-to-face" without direct interaction. And rather than simply leaving a chocolate bar on the table of your Airbnb (I've experienced this!) you can reward their willingness to communicate with something they can actually use, like a gift card to their favorite store. Telling them the importance of a 5-star review for excellent service and letting them vent openly will lead to rave reviews and prevent rage reviews....

Video is the best medium to capture human experience and selfie video is the best way to get honest feedback. Let me explain. Video is an amazing invention and selfie cameras take that to the next level. It's more than just a mirror to pucker your lips for, it's a method for producing input while consuming output. It creates natural collaboration in simple yet meaningful situations: speak words of gratitude to a special someone and watch their face light up. That's magic. How much do you...

In a world of increasingly generated content, having genuine human input given in a natural way is essential. I've spent the last 3 months building Surfey from scratch with my friend Barto and I believe we are onto something great and necessary. But I do worry I've created a cart before having a horse and that this is a tool in search of a niche. [ Surfey "Orange Marmalade" early demo ] The task before me now is to find where the biggest pain is at with traditional text and arduous survey...